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Woods Loke Primary School

Woods Loke in a Nutshell


Here are five pages, carefully chosen to give you a taste of life at Woods Loke: 

Our Bespoke Woods Loke Curriculum 

The  Woods Loke School Curriculum sets out an ambitious and rich programme of study, designed to allow every child  to learn, aspire and achieve.   

Woods Loke Learners

The ethos of being a Woods Loke learner runs through everything that we do.  Alongside the other elements of our curriculum, our learning behaviours help shape the planning, delivery and evaluation of our curriculum. 

The Woods Loke Character Curriculum

We offer a distinctive opportunity for the development of ‘virtues’ and practical wisdom, helping our children belong, participate and flourish within society.

Reading at Woods Loke

Find out more about how the enhanced reading culture at Woods Loke has helped raise attainment and build a love of reading throughout the school. 

Sporting Excellence and Physical Well-being

 Sport and physical well-being are a big part of life at Woods Loke. Find out what is on offer, as well as some of our past achievements and future goals.