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Woods Loke Primary School


Woods Loke is a Community Primary School.  

Suffolk County Council publishes the admission arrangements every year in a booklet called ‘Admissions to Schools in Suffolk, Your Guide to Primary, Infant, Junior and Middle School Admissions’.  Copies of this booklet are available on the Suffolk County Council website (click here) or by ringing the Admissions Team on 0845 600 0981.

Our PAN (Planned Admission Number) is 60. 

We always encourage parents to visit the school before making their application.  If you would like to find out more about Woods Loke Primary School please contact the school office on 01502 561234.


Applying for a School Place

Reception Year

If you are applying for a school place in the Reception Year, you will need to complete a CAF1 (Common Application Form) or apply online here. Please be aware that the closing date for applications is in early Janurary.  It is possible to apply online up until the closing date.  Please see Suffolk County Council website for more details. Click here.

Please note that you must make an application for a full time place even if your child is already attending a nursery class at the school.  This is because a place in a nursery class does not guarantee your child a full time place at school.

Years 1 to 6

If you are applying for a school place in these year groups you will need to complete an ADMN1 form. Applications are made directly to the school and will be considered in line with our Admissions Policy. Forms can be collected directly from the school office or downloaded by clicking the button below.

ADMN1 Form 



Admission to the Nursery

Children become entitled to funded early years places the term after they turn three years. They are entitled to up to 15 hours of education at any early years setting. To apply for a place at Woods Loke Nursery, you will need to complete a Nursery Application Form which is available from the school office.  This form will then be held on our waiting list and you will be contacted when a place becomes available.

Each term a Nursery Admission Panel meeting takes place and children aged three or four years who are held on our waiting list are put forward.

Places are offered to four year old children, living within the catchment area with special circumstances:

  • Children who are subject of a child protection plan(under section 47 Children Act 1998)

  • Children identified as a child in need (under section 17 Children Act 1998)

  • Children with additional needs including special educational needs.

  • Children for whom English is an additional language.

Places are then offered to all other four year olds within the catchment area, in date of birth order.

Places are then offered to four year olds living outside of the catchment area, priority is given to those meeting the criteria set out above and then to those with siblings in the school. After this places will be given to all other four year olds, living outside of the catchment area, in date of birth order.

After this process, if places are still available, the same criteria will be followed for all three year olds held on the waiting list.