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Woods Loke Primary School

The Woods Loke Curriculum

“Pupils learn from a rich and varied curriculum that matches, and in some cases exceeds, the ambition of the national curriculum.”“…High-quality provision is further enhanced by pupils’ study of [cultural stimuli]. This helps them develop a rich understanding of the cultural aspects of society. As a result, pupils are well informed and culturally astute.”“The curriculum extends and deepens pupils’ learning in a broad range of subjects.”

Ofsted Report May 2022



For more information, please contact the Woods Loke office.  

The  Woods Loke School Curriculum sets out an ambitious and rich programme of study, designed to allow every child  to learn, aspire and achieve. A central tenet of our curriculum is that whilst being rigorous and maintaining high expectations and standards, it also has the freedom to flex, change and adapt with staff and pupil interests, world events and unexpected opportunities.The Woods Loke Curriculum has moved away from a traditional set of designated ‘topics’, to be delivered at set points throughout an academic year.  Instead, it is grounded in the use of cultural stimuli to provide, not only a comprehensive study of the very best art, music and literature, but also a support structure for teachers to use in planning exciting and enriching learning opportunities.


Our curriculum provision at Woods Loke is made up of five core elements:

  • The consideration that everything we do is underpinned by high standards in reading, writing and mathematical key skills. These form the solid foundation for our curriculum.

  • That learning extends well beyond the classroom walls and equal value should be placed on opportunities to apply learning and enrich experience in a wide variety of environments.

  • That our learning behaviours form a consistent part of life at Woods Loke and set the expectations for our whole  learning community.

  • That curriculum stimuli are used to provide rich and diverse cultural capital which underpins learning.

  • The curriculum is arranged into four disciplines—promoting cross-curricula learning and the application of skills, knowledge and understanding.


ourriculum book 1 overview complete.pdf