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Woods Loke Primary School

Equality In The Curriculum

At Woods Loke, we ensure that all members of our school community are treated equally,  fairly and with respect. 

Our curriculum design places a focus upon Health and Wellbeing and this, alongside our school ethos and RSE curriculum, forms the backbone for delivering a curriculum that reinforces this message.

We aim to provide all our students with the opportunity to succeed. To achieve this, we will ensure that:

  • Curriculum planning reflects a commitment to equality

  • The curriculum prepares students for life in a diverse society and uses opportunities to reflect the background and experience of students and families in the school

  • There will be opportunities in the curriculum to explore concepts and issues related to identity and equality

  • The promotion of attitudes and values that celebrate and respect diversity and challenge discriminatory behaviour and language where it occurs

  • The use of images and materials which positively reflect a range of cultures, identities and lifestyles

equality policy.pdf