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Woods Loke Primary School






The Woods Loke Foundation is a key part of our Character Curriculum. It provides a clear structure for wider community interactions and allows the pupils to see how we are connected to the people, groups, businesses and charities that are around us.  Helping to foster a wider sense of belonging, it also brings external groups into closer contact with the school, helping us to promote social and community growth.

  • Charity Fundraising

A key part of our Character curriculum is the school’s involvement with the wider community. Each year, the School Council and JLT identify three local charities which will be the focus for all fundraising activities during the year. As part of this, representatives from the nominated charities will visit the school as well as further ties being developed through our Woods Loke Diploma Programme.

Our support for charities and local groups promotes the development of positive moral attributes such as generosity, humility and gratitude – key virtues within our Character Curriculum.

  • Parent Forums

We host weekly Parent Forums in our Community Hub building, run by members of school staff. Spanning a wide range of school-related topics (see below), these are an opportunity for our families to engage more closely with Woods Loke, to find out more about what goes on at the school and to receive key updates.

Example Timetable of Sessions: Wednesday 9:00-10:00 based in The Community Hub







Autumn 1

Safeguarding and E-Safety Update

Curriculum Information

School Tour

Early Years - Hygge and ITMP

 Open Forum

Autumn 2

Safeguarding and E-Safety Update

Reading at Woods Loke

School Tour

Maths in Early Years and Year 1

Maths in Years 2 and 3

Spring 1

Safeguarding and E-Safety Update

S.E.N.D -

School Tour


 Open Forum

Spring 2

Safeguarding and E-Safety Update

S.E.N.D -

School Tour

SATS Forum

Mathis in Years 4, 5 and 6

Summer 1

Safeguarding and E-Safety Update


School Tour

S.E.N.D -

Forest School and Outside Learning

Summer 2

Safeguarding and E-Safety Update

S.E.N.D -

School Tour

Open Forum

High School Transition

  • Family Partnerships

As well as our Parent Forums, fortnightly pastoral, wellbeing and parenting support sessions are hosted in our Community Hub. Run by our pastoral team, these are responsive to parent need, but may include parenting advice, social support, pastoral advice or simply an opportunity to talk.

Find out more here

  • Community Support

Our work with families is vital to the success of our children. We also are dedicated to supporting, where possible, our community. Part of this is through the use of our Community Hub as a venue for free and impartial advice for local residents on a range of subjects. This list is constantly evolving, but regular sessions may include:

  • * Citizens Advice Bureau
  • * Job Centre Drop-ins
  • * Lowestoft Community Church
  • * Computer/Tech Literacy Courses
  • * Financial Management