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Woods Loke Primary School

Pupil Voice

“There are lots of opportunities for pupils to experience success. This helps them achieve their best.”

“They take seriously their responsibilities in a range of leadership roles.”

Ofsted Report

Have a look at the links below to find out more or - even better - come and visit us to see first-hand how Woods Loke Primary School children play a role in the school's development. 

Junior Leadership Team 

 The Woods Loke Junior Leadership Team is made up of a cross-section of pupils from our school. They meet regularly with the headteacher and deputy headteacher, creating a clear vision for bringing about changes that pupils at the school want to see.

jlt terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf

  Eco Council


eco terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf

Woods Loke Leaders

wll terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf

School Council

school council terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf

Digital Leaders

digital leaders terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf

  Sports Leaders

sports terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf


librarians terms of reference pupil voice 7 23.pdf